Our Business Partners
CDD Radioterapia SRL was founded in 2010 to provide the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic with access to international standard oncological radiotherapy treatment, supported by a cutting-edge technological platform and an outstanding team with a professional track record.
This platform promoted the complete updating of the radiotherapy sector in the country, and turned this service into the pioneer in carrying out advanced radiotherapy techniques, where the following stand out:
• Intracranial Radiosurgery
• Extracreneal Radiosurgery (SBRT)
• IMRT Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
• IGRT Image-guided radiotherapy
• IGRT-PETC, Image-guided radiotherapy by PETCT
CDD Radioterapia is the first and only radiotherapy center in the country to receive the international quality certificate from the IROC laboratory of the MD ANDERSON CENTER for the treatment of prostate cancer with IMRT (2016) and for Intracranial Radiosurgery treatments (2017), as well as the quality certificate from the EQUALESTRO laboratory of the EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RADIOTHERAPY & ONCOLOGY, ESTRO (2018).
In 2019, the first Halcyon Linear Accelerator from Varian Medical Systems in Latin America was installed, an innovative and cutting-edge equipment that initiates the new generation of linear accelerators for cancer treatment with radiation.
In 2020, it joined the scientific research and development of new treatment techniques, carrying out the first cardiac arrhythmia treatment with radiotherapy in the Caribbean, Central and South America.
He is also the founder of the first Postgraduate and Training Center in Oncological Radiotherapy in the Dominican Republic.
All these patterns make CDD Radioterapia a benchmark for quality services of its kind in the Caribbean and the best option in the Dominican Republic for the treatment of oncological pathologies through external radiotherapy and intra and extra cranial radiosurgery.
This ally has a presence in different cities of the country, and works with all ARS for basic, complementary, international and subsidized health plans.
CDD Radioterapia is part of the CDD Global group, an organization with more than 20 years of experience in the development of medical services worldwide, characterized by being a pioneer in the installation of medical technology in the countries where it operates.

CDD Imágenes Diagnosticas is a medical services institution specialized in outpatient Diagnostic Medical Imaging services and inpatient care support, under an innovative and state-of-the-art technological platform, supported by an outstanding medical team.
It offers a wide range of studies through digital radiography and special radiographic studies, tomography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, specialized sonography, gammagraphy and PET-CT, in addition to all imaging examinations contemplated for women, including mammography, tomosynthesis, densitometry, breast and gynecological sonography.
It is a pioneer in the Dominican Republic in the implementation of PETCT studies for the detection, diagnosis and follow-up of oncological diseases, with a state-of-the-art platform, which allowed it to position itself as the first center on the American continent to carry out prostate cancer studies with the 18F-PSMA radiotracer.
In 2021, it added to its equipment platform the first UPRIGHT® MRI Resonator in Latin America, the only magnetic resonance scanner in the world that can scan patients in any position, including sitting, standing, crouching (for flexion and extension) or lying down.
This service works with all ARS for basic, complementary and international plans.
CDD Imágenes Diagnosticas is part of the CDD Global group, an organization with more than 20 years of experience in the development of medical services worldwide, characterized by being a pioneer in the installation of medical technology in the countries where it operates.
ESTEVA Patología Diagnostica, es un laboratorio de patología líder con 30 años de experiencia ofreciendo una variedad de servicios especializados en anatomía patológica y citopatología, enfocados en emitir diagnósticos precisos que asisten a los clínicos y cirujanos a tomar medidas terapéuticas apropiadas.
Referencia Laboratorio Clínico fundado en septiembre de 1983, cuenta con más de 35 años establecidos en el mercado. Está reconocido nacional e internacionalmente como un laboratorio de alta confiabilidad, gracias a la revolución que ha llevado a cabo en los estándares de calidad y el minucioso control que practica en la realización de las pruebas clínicas.